The God of Small Things

The God of Small Things PDF Free Download

The God of Small Things pdf is an award-winning novel by Indian author Arundhati Roy. The novel was first published in 1997 by IndiaInk and Flamingo (UK) and HarperCollins (USA). The novel tells the story of two fraternal twins on their journey through life in Ayemenem, Kerala in India amidst the struggles related to class, race, religion, and gender.

The themes explored in this classic novel include colonialism, capitalism, social stratification, caste system, and politics. The genre of The God of Small Things is magical realism with strong elements of drama.

The book is written from the perspective of both children and adults and features multiple points of view as it moves between the past and present. The novel is available in pdf format, as well as paperback, hardcover, and audiobook formats.

Since its release, The God of Small Things has become a best-seller with more than 6 million copies sold worldwide. The book was praised by critics for its poetic writing style and immersive storytelling.

Summary of The God of Small Things 

The novel follows the lives of twins Rahel and Estha, two children of divorced parents in Ayemenem, Kerala. The story starts off with their visit to the river ‘monachal’ for a picnic and soon takes us through a series of events that comprise their growing-up years.

The novel examines the tragedy of untimely or forbidden love between those belonging to different communities. The main themes in The God of Small Things pdf are the power dynamics at play within Indian society, the unequal relationships that exist between men and women, and how these manifest themselves on an individual level.

The book also explores the powerlessness felt by many individuals as they struggle against social norms and expectations that have been set down for them by society. The novel is simultaneously humorous and tragic, exploring the deep connections between the characters and their families, as well as the struggles they face in trying to live within society’s expectations.

The God of Small Things Book Details

Book The God of Small Things
Author Arundhati Roy
Language English
Published Date 1997
Publisher IndiaInk and Flamingo
Category Domestic fiction, History
Format PDF, ePub
Number of Pages 339

About the Author

Arundhati Roy was born in 1961 in Shillong, Meghalaya. She attended The Lawrence School in Lovedale, Tamil Nadu, and Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai before graduating with a degree in architecture from the Delhi School of Architecture.

Roy was married to film director Pradip Krishen for two years during her twenties. In the mid-1990s she relocated to New Delhi where she began writing The God of Small Things pdf.

The God of Small Things

The novel was completed over five years and published by IndiaInk publishers in 1997. The book gained critical acclaim worldwide and went on to win the prestigious Booker Prize for Fiction. The success of The God of Small Things pdf propelled Arundhati Roy into the international spotlight as an acclaimed author.

In her subsequent writing, Roy continued to explore themes of injustice, inequality, and oppression in India. She has written several political essays as well as The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) her second novel.

The God of Small Things Book Multiple Languages Editions

The God of Small Things is available in multiple international languages. You can study this book in any language.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the message of The God of Small Things?

This pdf is an exploration of the power dynamics that exist in Indian society.

Is God of Small Things a real story?

The story is a fictional account of Arundhati Roy’s own experiences growing up in Ayemenem, India.

Is The God of Small Things an easy read?

This pdf is a complex novel that requires the reader to pay close attention to detail.

Who is the author of The God of Small Things?

The author of this pdf is Arundhati Roy. The novel was first published in 1997.

What is the genre of The God of Small Things?

The genre of The God of Small Things pdf is magical realism. The novel combines elements of fantasy.


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